At SeaCoast Air Conditioning, our air conditioning company is proud to provide our customers with the most customized and advanced services possible. We understand the unique environmental conditions that we all experience on the Treasure Coast. As such, our team specializes in a wide line of anti-corrosion and sheet metal protection services in Fort Pierce.
Call SeaCoast Air Conditioning today if you need help protecting exposed sheet metal in and around your Fort Pierce property. Our polite and knowledgeable staff is here to assist you in any way that we can. Our experts can answer any of your sheet metal protection questions. We can schedule your appointment today.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Anti-Corrosion Coatings for HVAC Systems
Testing: in after only 2 years of continuous use, an unprotected coil suffers constant decline in efficiency.
Result: Operating cost for the unprotected coil more than doubled after only 24 months exposure.
Over twenty-four months of ocean saltspray exposure: Uncoated coils showed a constant decline in operating capacity, while corrosion coating protected coils maintained close to their original operating efficiency. Operating cost for the unprotected coils rose 220%. The protected coils with virtually no capacity loss demonstrated 46% to 63% greater operating efficiencies (average 55%) than the uncoated coils. The unprotected coils showed a measurable loss in efficiency in the first 28 days. 12 AC coils were monitored: 6 coated, 6 uncoated. These results average the findings.
Source of test: US Navy N-1560: and the Whirlpool Laboratory
Why Sheet Metal Protection is So Important on the Treasure Coast
How We Can Protect Your Exposed Sheet Metal
Plasticizers have been added to this baked phenolic to make it more flexible for use on light gage metal like finned tube coils, fans, duct and other equipment that have flex in the metal. The P-413 baking phenolic will withstand exposure to practically all corrosive and chemical fumes and is a good thermal conductor. Coil manufacturers have indicated there is no need to add additional heating or cooling surface due to the presence of the Heresite corrosion coating.