Fact or Fiction: Air Conditioning Energy Myths

It’s no mystery that we could all benefit from being a little more energy-efficient. After all, not only does using less energy save us money on our bills, but it saves the planet too (win-win, right?) Luckily, saving energy is easy and is something you can start within your home — mainly your big appliances like your air conditioning system.

But what are the best ways to save? We’ve all heard the debate over whether or not turning your AC off uses more energy than keeping it on during the day and other energy claims—but what is fact and what is fiction? Below, we’re dishing the truth about energy efficiency and your AC and how you can save energy the effective way.

Fact or Fiction?

Below are some of the most popular AC theories out there.

The Claim: It takes more energy to turn my AC on and off then keeping it running all day.

The Verdict: Fiction

A long-standing theory has claimed that leaving your AC running at a mild temperature will mean your AC won’t have to work as hard. But while this may seem logical, studies have shown that air conditioners are most efficient when they are operating at full speed rather than operating for short periods at a less powerful speed.

The Claim: Turning off your AC will always save more energy, even during the summer

The Verdict: Fiction

Although powering your AC on and off may seem like it uses an unnecessary amount of energy, when it comes down to it: the most energy-efficient option will always be powering your appliances completely off. In return, powering your air conditioner off when you leave for the day will actually save you money and help your AC work more efficiently when it’s powered on. However, this can vary if you are in Florida during the summer months. You may end up making your air conditioner work twice as hard to cool down your heated home, therefore it is better to leave the AC on at a higher temperature during these months.

Boost Your Energy Efficiency with Sea Coast Air Conditioning

Saving energy doesn’t stop at turning your AC on and off. In fact, there are numerous ways you can utilize your air conditioner to save you money and the Earth. At Sea Coast Air Conditioning, we want to help you get the most out of your AC, which is why we offer programmable thermostats and other energy-saving products. To learn more ways you can save energy, check out our quality products or contact a friendly Sea Coast Air team member.


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